Justin Eugene Natividad


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2025.

Interests: Game Development, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, 3D Graphics, Film


UH RepCompanion 2024

An app for University of Hawaii students to find gym partners.

Project Web App

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Speech Board 2020

A web app that is used to help individuals with speech disabilities.


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HACC 2020

My team developed a directory web page for the Hawaii Annual Code Challenge 2020

Hackathon GitHub

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From 'Hello World' to Ethical Builds: Unpacking My Software Engineering Toolbox

10 May 2024

My Toolbox Learning about software engineering is like starting with an empty toolbox. At first, you put in your first tool, and over time you add more and more to address every problem you might encounter. In software engineering, initially,...

Reflection Software Engineering Ethics Coding Standards

AI: My Robotic Tutor

07 May 2024

I. Introduction Artificial Intelligence or AI has dominated the minds of tech professionals in the recent year. Originally depicted in literature and films as fictional, it has been brought to life by the efforts of companies such as OpenAI. In...

Education Aritifial Intelligence ChatGPT

Effortless Mornings and Effortless Coding: The Bootstrap Era

22 Feb 2024

“Effortless” Mornings Every weekday morning I hesitantly wake up at 6:00 a.m. I brush my teeth, then I shower and then I get dressed. After getting dressed and packing my backpack I fill up my water bottle and head to...

HTML CSS Reflection Bootstrap Web Design UI Frameworks

There She Goes: Coding Standards

08 Feb 2024

“There she goes” “There she goes again”, a line from the famous song There She Goes by the band The La’s is my first thought when reflecting on coding standards. I say this because when learning about coding standards using...

Javascript Reflection ESLint IntelliJ Cooding Standards

Mastering Chaos: Javascript Journey

17 Jan 2024

“Beeeep!” The loud car horn echoes through the bustling city. Loud pedestrians walking past you, footsteps that varied in intensity and urgency, a hat lying on the ground as a street performer plays his vibrant and energetic music while dancing...

Javascript Reflection